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Kerwin Mathews: Pave the Way for Sinbad!

A recent viewing of 5 AGAINST THE HOUSE (1955) starring Kerwin Mathews, Kim Novak, Brian Keith and Guy Madison triggered a Google search for the actor who will always be the definitive Sinbad in my mind. The search yielded nothing I didn't already know. Or, in all candor, had forgotten and was again reminded.

There was one thing that did catch my eye, though. It was a footnote buried on his Wikipedia page referencing an online-only entry by Janesville (Wisconsin) Gazette reporter Ann Fiore. In October 2007 and by unanimous vote, the city council honored him by renaming a street from Racine Court to Kerwin Mathews Court (the actor had died three months earlier). Further below is the text of Fiore's report.

Well, I couldn't just stop there. The boy who would be Sinbad was extensively covered by his hometown newspaper. Long before his Hollywood move in 1952, Mathews was a known performer by locals. The Gazette's pages gleefully tracked their celebrity as his career blossomed, especially so when he returned home to visit friends and his mother Francis. I stumbled upon article after article that made it clear Janesville was very proud of Kerwin Mathews.

Here's a small sampling of clippings from the Janesville Gazette. Oh, there were many more...

From May 1946, Mathews is highlighted for his role in Shakespeare's TWELFTH NIGHT.

A casting "scandal" was flamed by Rita Hayworth after the actor had just finished FIVE AGAINST THE HOUSE which introduced Mathews to moviegoers in 1955.

THE SEVENTH VOYAGE OF SINBAD was a hit with folks back home in December 1958.

This is reporter Ann Fiore's Gazette Xtra online entry from October 9, 2007

A one-block street located south of the Janesville Performing Arts Center will bear the name of a former Janesville boy who went to Hollywood.

On a 6-0 vote, the city council Monday changed Racine Court to Kerwin Mathews Court. Council member Tim Wellnitz was absent.

Mathews was born in Seattle, Wash., in 1926 but moved to Janesville when he was a toddler. His interest in acting blossomed at Janesville High School-now JPAC-where he performed in school plays, and at Beloit College, where he studied drama and music.

He moved to Hollywood in the early 1950s and starred in cult adventure classics such as "The 7th Voyage of Sinbad," "The 3 Worlds of Gulliver" and "Jack the Giant Killer." He worked with the likes of Spencer Tracy and Frank Sinatra and knew stars such as Katherine Hepburn.

Mathews later moved to San Francisco, where he sold furniture and antiques. He died there July 5 at age 81.

Even though he no longer lived in Janesville, Mathews supported the arts by donating to JPAC.

City staff said they had received no objections from the two property owners who would be affected by the name change.

If you're ever in Janesville, Wisconsin...

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Jul 29, 2022

Oh! If I'm not mistaken, UCLA's VARIETY and THR archives are limited to the weekly editions. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm just repeating what I was told by a friend in L.A. Whereas the direct VARIETY archive subscription for example, includes the multitude of Mon-Fri dailies and special magazines (i.e. every single page ever published since its founding). I believe that's what distinguishes VARIETY's archive from others, hence the mighty price tag ($600 annual). Fortunately for us, there are other free online assets of back date BILLBOARD and the like. It's like treasure hunting... you never know what precious historical nugget will be unearthed when digging through them!

Paul Mcvay
Paul Mcvay
Jul 29, 2022
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Tim- You are correct, Sir. UCLA's archives for Variety are of the Weekly Edition, whereas Variety's archives proper offer up every single printed page since the dawn of the Pub. The caveat may be, with subbing to Variety's archives proper, is that one is allowed to "Save Image" or download any image but with a very prominent watermark attached to it. From a research standpoint, this would not be a deal breaker, but if one wanted to utilize a specific trade ad for use in a wholly new article (say, in the confines of a book in the It Came From Hollywood series), it might present itself as a bit of a bummer. (With my UCLA permissions, I can grab…


Jul 29, 2022

I'm with ya all the way on that brutha.


Paul Mcvay
Paul Mcvay
Jul 28, 2022

Thanks for sharing these clippings, Tim. I have found much gold in the archives of local papers as it concerns Hollywood. I think it is wonderful that his hometown continued to show how proud they were of his accomplishments.

Paul Mcvay
Paul Mcvay
Jul 28, 2022
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I have explored both and and found terrific results in each. They pull from two separate newspaper collections, so there are many publications to scour through. For example, I ran across Dave Fusaro's Blues Brothers set visit in a local suburban paper that I found in newspaper archive, and as a result, I tracked him down and received reprint rights. It is amazing what is still out there to discover.

I am very familiar with Variety's archive and its price tag! Fortunately, I have been granted research access to UCLA's entertainment magazine archive, which includes complete runs of Variety, Boxoffice, THR, and other pubs like Billboard, R&R, Screen International, and Independent Film Journal. It has been a…

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